Rodolfo Gonzalez to IndyCar? (Update 2)

UPDATE #2 We're hearing that Gonzalez will once again be testing at Sebring with Dale Coyne Racing. Considering that we've also heard the team's discussions with Alexander Rossi have possibly fallen through, could it be that Gonzalez is back in the running for a 2015 ride with DCR?

AR1 Staff Report

12/05/14 Added photo of Gonzalez below.

Rodolfo "Speedy" Gonzalez

12/04/14 Below, is a translation from El Periodiquito, which seems to say 28-year-old Venezuelan GP2 veteran Rodolfo "Speedy" Gonzalez will drive in the Verizon IndyCar Series next season, Gonzalez, of course, tested with Dale Coyne Racing on September 22 at Barber Motorsports Park. There were also rumors that he was planning to test again.

We never know what kind of stock to place in these translated articles. Nevertheless, below is the article.

Rodolfo "Speedy" Gonzalez confirmed Thursday that race in the IndyCar Series, the most important single seater racing vehicles in the United States category.

At a press conference, Gonzalez, who has 22 years of experience in motorsport, he stressed that at this time is in talks with two teams in IndyCar, not explained by criteria Privacy, and currently is analyzing the bids and the advantages of both teams to get the best performance in the 2015 season.

"I'm sure any of the participating teams will have excellent results because I've done the best in the tests I've done. Besides, my age, art, trust and count on a great team to exploit the best of my in US courts, "he said González.

The pilot noted that the 2014 was a very positive year for his career, as he filled experiences that now serve to meet new challenges and obstacles that arise.

"I want to give my best Venezuela as an athlete and as a human being, as we have always done, we will not rest and will continue working to achieve good results for the country," he said.

He explained that during testing and races in which he participated in 2014 in IndyCar, knows perfectly both the management and the conditions of the car that category in excess of 350 miles per hour, which also have to face, as a new experience , racing ovals type circuits.

"I know how to handle the processing of rubber and fuel is paramount. These cars also have much strength, since they have 750 horsepower, and have brakes and carbon discs. Good management is essential, you cannot have mistakes, "he said.

The IndyCar Series is known for its most famous race, the Indianapolis 500. The season of this class covers racing on ovals, road courses and street circuits.

Reach Formula 1 is the goal

Speedy also said his dream is still to become chief pilot of one of the teams in Formula 1, pinnacle of world motorsport, and to do their work is continuing on the tracks to get the necessary support in terms of funding to reach their desired goal.

He said that although he was for two years in F1 test driver, still hopes take the plunge as a racing driver. In that regard, he recalled that when he was just 10 years shared and ran alongside the reigning F1, Louis Hamilton, when both dreamed of reaching the top flight.

"My dream has always been to compete in Formula 1, and although the road has been very difficult to continue working on it," added Gonzalez.

He also expressed the support extended by the country during his career, and asked the Venezuelan people to work from the humility, simplicity and honesty for development.

"We must be honest, give the best of each in each of our tasks, a worker, a student, as an athlete, from every place where we are we must be the best, with efficiency, consistency and giving the best of ourselves" he stressed.